How Working Out Helps Keep Pain Away

Yoga and Pilates are exercises that improve core strength and flexibility, which can help with back pain.
For years, patients and medical professionals have debated the question of whether exercise is good for back pain or whether it makes it worse.
Research has found that movement can help with back pain, and during the last decade, the opinion of the medical community has shifted away from bed rest and toward exercise, even for those who did not previously work out every day. However, when doctors recommend exercise to their patients, they often encounter a hurdle: the patient’s fear of making pain worse.
The most fearful patients often stand to benefit the most from exercise, simply because it can give them a different view of the relationship between pain and exercise. Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise can increase mobility and help circulation, and strengthening the core muscles closest to the spine can protect against future pain.
How to Begin
If you have a chronic pain condition like lower back pain or hip, knee, or shoulder problems, you shouldn’t begin an exercise program without guidance.
An experienced chiropractor will typically do a postural assessment to observe how you sit, stand, and walk to help determine what exercises may be appropriate, given your condition. Postural imbalances, for instance, carrying a child on one hip or a bag on one shoulder can trigger pain in the back, hips, knees, and shoulders.
Some simple, safe stretches that can help alleviate back pain include:
- Lie on your back on a carpeted floor or mat and rest your legs on a couch, chair, or ottoman, so that your legs are completely supported from the heels to the back of the knees.
- Lie on a stability ball, face down, and let your body mold to the sides of the ball.
- Try the “happy baby” yoga pose: lie on your back and hold your knees to your chest.
- Perform squats to reduce pain and improve mobility.
Exercises to Help Chronic Pain
Beyond simple stretches, one of the most important types of exercise to improve chronic back and joint pain is cardiovascular exercise. Some types to try include:
- Walking briskly on a treadmill
- Using an elliptical trainer
- Aquatic exercise, from swimming laps to an organized water aerobics class
In addition to cardiovascular training, try strength training, either with free weights or machines to guide movement and simulate support. Pilates and yoga can help improve core strength and flexibility.
Exercises to Avoid
Those with back and joint problems that cause significant pain should typically avoid high-impact exercise like running or organized sports like basketball and soccer, which involve jumping, landing, shifting, and moving in a lot of different directions.
Golf and tennis tend to put a great deal of strain on the back because they use one side of the body more than the other. Although you don’t necessarily need to give them up entirely, just cut back a bit or find other ways to strengthen the neglected side of the body, such as Pilates or rotating exercises with a medicine ball.
Exercise and Pain Relief
Although chronic back pain can reduce a person’s quality of life, the right exercise program can dramatically improve it. There’s no reason to be sitting around the house in pain.
If you’re thinking of starting an exercise program, the doctors at Tuck Chiropractic Clinic can give you the advice you need to proceed safely.
Image by wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo.
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Live Your Passion
Where do our passions come from? If you do a quick Google search with that same question the variety of answers is staggering. Some say it is the result of chemical reactions in the brain. Others say there are genes that contribute to passion. While others ominously say it is from “within.” While some might feel the origin of passion is an elusive concept for Dr. Logan Brooke it’s quite simple. His passion for chiropractic stems from the life-changing impact it had on his own life.
The word passion is derived from the Latin for “pati” which means to endure or to suffer. As a young child Dr. Brooke, at the time just Logan, both endured and suffered terrible problems with his ears. He had chronic ear infections and common allopathic treatments at the time didn’t help. When asked if he can remember that time he said he can still clearly remember the pain and how severe it was. Logan was subject to a lot of cruel jokes and name-calling while in school, based on his ear problems and the swelling that resulted. He couldn’t go outside while on certain medications, he wasn’t allowed to go swimming, and he lived with chronic pain. It got to the point where he stopped going to school. No medical treatment had worked for Logan and it wasn’t until the 3 rd grade, when he saw “Doc Loc,” that things took a turn for the better.
Doc Loc was the chiropractor that changed everything for Logan. With Doc Loc’s treatments the chronic ear issues Logan experience were resolved. He had a new lease on life and a laser focus on pursuing the very profession that so drastically improved his life. For the rest of Logan’s middle and high school years, he went to Doc Loc for all medical issues. If it involved another healthcare discipline Logan knew he wanted Doc Loc’s input before moving forward with any other type of medical care. Because of the life-changing impact Doc Loc had on Logan’s life he pursued a career in chiropractic. After graduating cum laude, from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Logan became Dr. Logan Brooke.
Dr. Brooke is a man who lives with purpose. He has a passion for chiropractic, which is clear from how he invests in his patients and continues to develop and refine himself as a professional. He is also enthusiastic about athletics and sports. He has been able to merge those interests by becoming a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP), which required additional education and training. Throughout his career, he has served as the team physician for the Virginia Tech Triathlon Club and the Virginia Tech Rugby Club. The combination of his additional degree and his experience with collegiate athletes led to an invitation to work at the Olympic Training Center.
Working with Olympic-level athletes was a dream come true for Dr. Brooke but he relishes the opportunity to work with any athlete at any level. He said, “No matter what level the mentality of an athlete is about performance, respecting your body, and optimizing your life.” While working in the Blacksburg Clinic he has had the opportunity to work with the full continuum of athletes—from those that compete against themselves to those playing league sports and also those that are vying for the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. Perhaps one of the reasons Dr. Brooke loves working with athletes is because he can identify with the passion he sees in so many of them.
Dr. Brooke is also sharing his enthusiasm with the up and coming generation. He is an anatomy professor at a local community college. This role is a natural fit for him because as he explained, “Chiropractic is not just about back pain and headaches. It’s about treating the whole patient because we work with the nervous system which affects the whole body.” Teaching at the community college gives Dr. Brooke the opportunity to inspire eager minds to relentlessly pursue their dreams and equips them with some of the practical knowledge they’ll need to do so.
For Dr. Brooke, the reason he chose chiropractic is self-described as “a very personal one.” Through the pain he endured and the incredible chiropractic treatment he received, there was passion ignited within him, which has resulted in a career, and a life, that positively impacts others.
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Overcoming Adversity with Passion and Purpose
Would you believe that a world-class athlete fell in love with his sport because of a love-interest in the fourth grade? It’s true. For Charles Clark, a three-time national champion in track, it all began in 4th grade with a girl named Iesha. Charles will be the first to admit, “It’s pretty funny.” He had a crush on Iesha, who switched schools, thereby breaking his heart. When it came time for his school’s field day his buddy told him to run like Iesha was waiting for him at the finish line. That day he went home with five first-place ribbons. He said, “I never saw Iesha again, but I fell in love with track.”
What started off as an endearing elementary-school love story blossomed into a tremendously successful and well-decorated athletic career in the sprints category. Charles went on to win multiple championship titles at the middle school and high school level. When it was time for Charles to pursue a college career he was the most heavily recruited athlete within his event and ultimately landed at Florida State University (FSU). While in college he became a three-time NCAA National Champion. Post-college athletics included being named the 6th fastest man in the world and training for the Olympics as part of the USA Track and Field Team. With all those accolades and titles it would be safe to assume he is defined by his trophies and photo-finishes of success. Not true. When we asked Charles what it’s like to be the 6th fastest man in the world this is what he had to say, “I don’t fall in love with titles. What happens with it is more beautiful. Through my accomplishments, I’m able to impact a lot more people.”
Using his athletic success as a springboard Charles has started a foundation, which has grown to one of the largest in Hampton Roads and is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals. Through his platform of running Charles is able to positively impact others, he lives a life on purpose. He said, “I’m just thankful that each time I achieve such accolades I can use it to give back to the next generation.”
It’s clear that Charles is gifted at encouraging others towards their best because he is now an accomplished motivational speaker. He also has his own business consulting with entrepreneurs businesses around the concepts of success, leadership, and living a purpose-filled life. Charles is also the kind of guy who backs up his words with action—which is apparent from how he has overcome adversity in life.
Defining Charles by the success he’s had in life seems logical. It is true that his success speaks volume about his discipline, abilities, and perseverance. However, what is equally, if not more telling, is Charles’ response to adversity. One such moment occurred when he was training for the 2016 Rio Olympics, here in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Charles developed a back injury that progressively got worse throughout the season. Unfortunately, the injury prevented him from competing at the Olympic trials. Charles won’t allow himself to be crushed by challenges and he refuses to deviate from his success trajectory. He started seeing Dr. Brooke, in our Blacksburg Clinic, for adjustments and is benefitting from the treatments. He explained, “Dr. Brooke is really helping me now. I can say that I don’t feel the pain that was I feeling before.”
Dr. Brooke is a perfect match for Charles. Dr. Brooke has a passion for helping athletes of all kinds achieve the very best results possible and is also a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP). He explained, “No matter what level of athlete you are the mentality is about performance, respecting your body, and optimizing your life.” Charles likes chiropractic because as he described, “You see progression. Who doesn’t like to see results? Who doesn’t like to feel better?” Charles allows himself to be refined by adversity rather than be defined by it, which is what makes him a true champion.
For someone who has risen to the top, what could possibly be next? For Charles, it’s something he describes as “bigger than a gold medal.” He is in the final stages of writing a book with a planned release for the fall of 2016. For Charles, writing this book is self-described as one of his biggest accomplishments. Charles had academic struggles from elementary school through college. He was held back in first grade and struggled to pass necessary tests to enter college—delaying his college career. While some may look at their weakness and cower to it, he sees his personal weaknesses as an opportunity “to do something phenomenal.” That is why he chose to fight hard to master reading and writing in order to create this book, which he is confident will change lives. After getting to know him as a patient, an athlete, a motivational speaker, and a friend we have to agree. The future for Charles Clark is going to be filled with phenomenal success, both on and off the track.
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7 Ways to Beat Back Pain During Summer Travels

Using a backpack or another bag that distributes weight evenly can lessen the chance of back injury while traveling.
For many people, summer is the time to go on vacation. But, travel often includes cramped conditions and long trips that can be very hard on your back, even if you don’t have a history of back pain.
Here are seven ways to protect your back from pain while traveling by car or airplane this summer:
1) Support Your Lower Back While Driving
Make sure your knees are higher than your hips. If your car seat doesn’t offer adequate lumbar support, a wide variety of seat cushions, pillows, and other supportive products are available to make your trip more comfortable. Even rolling up a towel to create a makeshift cushion between your back and the seat can be effective. Also, make sure you’re not sitting on anything bulky — a wallet, money clip, book, or cell phone — that can throw off your posture and aggravate back pain.
2) Give Yourself Enough Room
A comfortable, roomy, first-class airline seat may be a luxury many people cannot afford, and coach seats are often cramped, restrictive, and offer little support for your back. For greater comfort, while traveling in coach, request an aisle seat that will make it easier for you to get up and move around. If your airline offers special deals on seats with extra legroom, take advantage of them, especially if you’re tall. Keep adequate space for your feet under the seat in front of you, even if this means putting your carry-on bag in the overhead bin.
3) Take Breaks and Move
When traveling by car, stop at rest stops and towns along the way so you can stretch and move around. You can even stretch in the car. Likewise, when traveling by air, try to walk the aisle every 30 minutes, especially if you’re on a long flight. Not on a direct flight? Use layover time to stretch or even take a walk around the terminal, particularly if you have a long flight ahead of you.
4) Pack Light
Opt for rolling luggage and pack as little as possible. At the luggage carousel, hotel, or parking garage, don’t be afraid to ask for help picking up your bags. Always take your time and keep your back straight, lifting with your legs.
For electronics and personal items, pick the smallest bag possible and choose a backpack or a messenger bag worn diagonally across the body. This helps balance the weight on the shoulders, unlike totes and duffel bags that rest on one shoulder and can cause your spine to curve. When using a single-strap bag, switch sides often to spare your back.
5) Pay Attention to Your Posture
If you want your car trip or flight to be a bearable experience, focus on your posture. Try to keep both feet on the floor and sit upright. For air travelers, most airlines offer pillows to passengers. Try tucking one behind your lower back: lumbar support has been shown to improve comfort in healthy patients with lower back pain.
6) Drink Plenty of Water
Air travel dehydrates the body because of the very low humidity levels in pressurized air cabins. Alcohol, coffee, and tea encourage further dehydration, so try to drink water, which will rehydrate the body and help prevent circulatory problems.
7) Don’t Forget the Ice
Bring ice packs in a cooler to relieve pain on the road, and an empty ice bag for air travel (you can request ice from the flight crew). If you ice your back, remember to do so for no longer than 15 minutes at a time and make sure there is a barrier between the ice and your skin.
Enjoy Your Journey!
When it comes to pain-free summer traveling, the journey is just as important as the destination, and these precautions will help prevent pain and allow you to thoroughly enjoy your time away.
If despite your best efforts you come back from vacation with a painful back, we’re here to help. Contact Tuck Chiropractic Clinic to schedule an appointment.
Image by gstockstudio / 123RF Stock Photo.
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Dance Your Way Back Out There
A low impact exercise like Jazzercise is making a comeback.
Getting back out there can be can be intimidating. Sometimes it’s because you received an injury and things just haven’t been the same since. Other times, it’s because you were never really “out there” in the first place and you may feel like it’s too late. You might even be insecure about looking like a novice. The reality is, while you are busy coming up with reasons why you can’t, your life is continuing to move past you at a rapid pace. There is no better time than now to make a change in the direction of wellness.
One way you could get back out there is to literally dance like no one is watching. Join a dance fitness class like Jazzercise, which offers low impact and high impact options, fitness in a group setting, and is just plain fun! It can be overwhelming to walk into a new workout facility, surrounded by mirrors and sometimes even flexing gym-goers. At Jazzercise there are no mirrors—on purpose. This welcome change allows all participants to enjoy the music, movements, and focus on wellness without being distracted by reflections in all directions.
As Alisa Hewitt, the owner of the New River Valley Jazzercise center explained, “Jazzercise combines aerobic, dance-based exercise with strength training to create a one of a kind workout. In 60 minutes we complete not only a cardio workout, but also include strength training targeting all of the major muscle groups.”
An important aspect of Jazzercise for those that are taking a journey back into fitness, especially from injury, is that there are low impact options. Certain classes are dedicated entirely to low-impact workouts and each class can be modified to offer a low-impact approach. Alisa explained, “In our classes, low impact means only that we remove the “hop” and work with an emphasis on muscle rather than momentum.” There is less impact on the joints and back, which is music to the ears of anyone fighting for fitness while overcoming injury. Alisa elaborated, “This total body combination is excellent for cardiovascular conditioning, muscle development, and toning, leading to more endurance and increased energy levels.”
This type of fitness routine is also cross-generational and done in a group setting. Working out in a group context helps with motivation, accountability, and camaraderie. Young or old, friendships are formed while you are sweating it out. We are more likely to stick with exercise we enjoy and developing relationships is a great way to ensure enjoyment. It also turns the Jazzercise classes into a big dance party—and who doesn’t love a good dance party?
Jazzercise is a high-intensity workout that includes cardio and strength training. Speaking of dance parties—we need to take a moment to gush about how fun dance fitness, like Jazzercise, can be. Life can be so serious between demands at work, demands at home, and sad news stories in the media. Some days you’ve just got to dance! Jazzercise is a complete body workout and occurs in a supportive environment all while artists like Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, and Pitbull play the background. The routines are fun but also intentionally designed with wellness in mind. Alisa said, “All routines are professionally choreographed and reviewed by an exercise physiologist to ensure safety and effectiveness. “ For one hour, Jazzercise allows participants to step out of their daily demands and just exist in the context of fun music and health-benefitting dance moves. It’s a winning combination (pun absolutely intended).
“It can be intimidating to begin a new fitness program and to take that step into a new facility. Group fitness classes, like all of our classes at Jazzercise New River Valley, are a great way to get started,” affirmed Alisa. You have to start somewhere when getting back into a wellness routine or establishing a new routine altogether. Make sure that you endeavor on your wellness journey with a great support system that is aware of your fitness goals and unique circumstances. Talk about your goals with your chiropractor as well as any other key influencers of your health—to include fitness instructors. It’s never too late and since there is no better time than now, will you dance your way back out there?
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Lessons in Wellness from a Lifetime Athlete
We spoke with a local lifetime athlete who has spent her career encouraging current and developing athletes—we knew there was a lot we could learn from her.
Anne Jones has made a career in tennis. First, as a collegiate athlete, playing on the Virginia Tech women’s team. Following that, she also served as the Women’s Tennis coach at Virginia Tech as well as for Blacksburg High School. Tennis has been a thread within Anne’s story, throughout much of her life. In between all the tennis she has mixed in other forms of athleticism such as marathons, triathlons, ultra races (50 miles!), and biking. Anne even has her own business, Triadventure, which is dedicated to introducing beginners to endurance training and improving the performance of current athletes.
Anne’s athleticism may sound intimidating, especially because she was a coach at the collegiate level, but in reality, she is a tremendous champion and coach for new and emerging athletes. She is a great person to align with if you are trying to rediscover fitness or take it to the next level.
Recently, Anne started a tennis league for beginners and has witnessed first hand the joys of learning something new at a more seasoned age. The clinic that began as a one-time class for those interested in the basics of tennis has resulted in a group of middle-aged women, now affectionately known as, “The Smash Girls” competitively playing league tennis. The women were all very inexperienced with tennis when they first began, some had never swung a racket, but now meet up multiple times a week and find themselves fitter than ever. Anne explained, “When the clinic was over they asked for more. They are healthier and stronger, fitness will do that for you.”
This may seem like just one story about one group of women but it is much bigger than that. It demonstrates the power of fitness to bring us together, to make our minds well, and to make our bodies healthy. It shows that it’s never too late to try something for the first time. It illustrates that we all have hidden talent and potential, just waiting to be tapped.
In addition to the clinic that produced The Smash Girls, Anne teaches other classes too. In fact, one of her players is Dr. Logan Brooke, based out of the Blacksburg Clinic. He explained, “Recently, I decided to get back into tennis. Primarily for the social aspect, but also because tennis is a low impact sport that gives me a great cardio workout.”
You may wonder how tennis can possibly support back health since it would seem tennis is all about the arms. As Anne explained to us, it is about the whole body, especially the core. “Most people think they are just swinging with their arms. You can’t hit any of the strokes without your core,” said Anne. Dr. Brooke echoed her sentiments, “It combines a cardiovascular workout with agility and flexibility. Playing tennis is a whole body experience.” It is also a workout that supports joint health and agility. Dr. Brooke explained:
Tennis offers some advantages as a sport. First, the hip joints get a great workout with the forward, backward and side-to- side movements. This prevents wear and tear in one direction like with running. Second, because the shoulders and upper back are involved, you get to work on mobility in these areas, which can decline with age. Finally, the games are usually quick, so there are many opportunities to rehydrate and stretch during the breaks.
Anne offered great insight into why trying something new is something we should all pursue, regardless of our season of life. She told us, ‘Mentally it’s good to keep the mind fresh. Tennis is a mind sport with a lot of strategy and technique.” Anne raises an excellent point. So will you try something new? Will you exercise and your mind and body in the pursuit of overall wellness? Will you get back out there?
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5 Ways to Keep Lower Back Pain From Hijacking Your Summer
For many of us, summer is a time to shake off the cobwebs and get active. Warm weather beckons us outdoors, and even if a vacation isn’t in the cards, longer days give us more time for outdoor exercise, yard work, and tackling deferred projects.
If lower back pain is threatening to hijack your summer plans, you’re not alone. According to the American Chiropractic Association, as many as four out of five people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. It’s the second most common reason for visiting the doctor, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.
Here are some simple strategies that can help prevent lower back pain or keep it from returning:
1) Get More Exercise
It’s a bit of a paradox: You may want to limit exercise and rest when your back is bothering you. But, many people actually develop back pain because of a sedentary lifestyle. Regular physical activity has been shown to help ease inflammation and muscle tension, and the right type of exercise can be therapeutic and promote healing. So, get moving!
2) Keep Your Weight Down
The thought of wearing a swimsuit inspires many a weight-loss plan. But taking off a few pounds shouldn’t just be about your appearance. Another good reason to lose weight is that carrying extra pounds, especially in your midsection, can make back pain worse. This extra weight shifts your center of gravity, putting strain on your lower back. Staying within 10 pounds of your ideal weight can help control lower back pain.
3) Find Your Proper Sleeping Position
Many people look forward to catching up with their sleep during their summer vacation. But the position you sleep in can have a big impact on how your body – and specifically your back – feels.
Sleeping on your side with your knees pulled up slightly toward your chest is often suggested. If you prefer to sleep on your back, slip a pillow under your knees and a small pad or rolled-up towel under your lower back. Sleeping on your stomach is particularly hard on your back, but if you are a stomach sleeper, place a pillow under your hips to reduce back strain.
Check out our guide to sleeping positions to see what position might be best for you. If you are prone to lower back pain, talk to a chiropractor about the best sleeping position based on your specific needs.
4) Be Careful When Lifting
Whether you’re catching a plane, taking a hike, or heading for the beach, summer is a time when a lot of people carry around a lot of heavy gear.
When lifting heavy objects, never bend from the waist or twist your body. Instead, bend your knees and squat, pulling in your stomach muscles and holding the object close to your body as you stand up. If you can, push rather than pull heavy objects — pushing is always easier on your back.
5) Pick the Right Bag
You may see red flags when you think of picking up something very heavy. But, did you know that carrying smaller, less-heavy bags can also do a number on your lower back?
Avoid oversized totes to the beach and instead choose a bag with a wide, adjustable strap that’s long enough to reach over your head messenger-style. This distributes the weight more evenly, keeping your shoulders even and reducing stress on your back. When carrying a bag without a long strap, switch hands frequently to avoid putting all the stress on one side of the body. Periodically purge bags of things you don’t need to lighten the load.
Saving Your Summer
Back pain can have many causes, including muscular strain, sprains, fractures, and other accidental injuries. The good news is that most lower back pain can resolve in days or weeks, and surgery is rarely indicated.
If your lower back pain persists even when you follow the tips above, don’t suffer in silence. Contact Tuck Chiropractic Clinic for a free consultation. In addition to treatment, a chiropractor can give you expert advice on the best ways of keeping your back pain-free this summer, and beyond.
Image Copyright: epicstockmedia / 123RF Stock Photo
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4 Ways to Shake Up Your Health
1. Change your mind
One of the biggest health battles takes place between your ears, in your mind. Understand the foundational role that your thought life plays in your ability to achieve health goals. The Mayo Clinic indicates, “having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body.” Consider practical ways you can start feeding your mind healthy thought-food. Subscribe to podcasts that serve as encouragement. Have a workout buddy you enjoy spending time with that frames your workout in a positive light. If you are the kind of person that needs “tough love” during workouts seek out a personal trainer that will drive you in the way you need, pushing you towards realizing your dreams for excellent health.
2. Learn from the pros
Even though a wealth of information can be found on the internet, within fitness magazines, or in self-help books the real power comes in speaking with a person, face-to-face about your health and wellness routine. This is especially true related to body mechanics during weight lifting and also everyday posture. Lean into the professionals who have dedicated years to the pursuit of an education and experience related to anatomy and physiology. This could be consulting with a personal trainer about the proper posture for each weight lifting activity. It could also mean working with your chiropractor to discuss how adjustments can support great posture and body mechanics. Identifying stretches and exercises that can be done on your own time is also a great step towards taking ownership of your health and an excellent supplement to your work with the pros.
3. Banish your routine
Hear us out on this one. Yes, we agree that creating and sticking with a routine, like Sunday night meal prep, is a great way to ensure you stay on track. However, switching up healthy choices, within that routine, is a great way to keep yourself satisfied psychologically and also to keep your body on its toes. As one Mayo Clinic article highlights, “Trying new things leads to increased confidence and self-esteem. It reduces boredom and loneliness, and it’s a major driver in personal growth.” Perhaps swap your spinach salad for kale or find a fresh new smoothie recipe that maximizes on the fresh seasonal fruits of the summer. Here’s another practical example, if you run the same two-mile jogging course each day your muscles get used to that workout. With the help of a chiropractor or another health professional, you can identify a novel workout routine, which will exercise different muscle groups and add variety to your routine, which will stimulate you mentally. Look for ways to banish your routine even within the meals you eat. Satisfy yourself psychologically with new healthy choices within the structure of your existing wellness routine.
4. Seek support for change
While it may sound simple to make a resolve like, “I’m going to stop drinking soda,” that is a huge undertaking for the person attempting to eliminate a favorite beverage from their day. Health changes often start off easy, with tremendous resolve, and quickly get difficult when stress and life circumstances kick in. In order to shake up your health positively, you should seek support. Let your friends, family, and even health care practitioners know what you are endeavoring to do. Identifying a group that will hold you accountable, because they have your best interest in mind, is a great step towards positive change. In today’s digital climate you can even find groups on Facebook or other social media platforms where you are able to check in and report on progress with changes.
As Zig Ziglar once said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Figure out where to start, at this very moment, to ensure you are setting yourself up for great health changes. Choose which step is the right one to take and head in that direction with confidence. Remember, our team is here to offer chiropractic care to support your health goals and we are also cheering you on as you make choices in pursuit of wellness.
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4 Ways to Juggle Work, Family, and Exercise
When you have children, of course you want to make sure they grow up to be fit and healthy, and setting a good example is very important. Research has shown that when parents are physically active, it increases the odds that their children will be active as well.
But it can be a challenge to juggle work, family, and exercise. According to research, taking even short exercise breaks during your workday can be beneficial. But what about at home? If you’re looking for ways to stay healthy as a busy family, here are some tips:
1) Turn Chores Into a Game
Family chores are inevitable, so why not make them a fun opportunity to exercise as a family? Instead of assigning chores to each family member, turn doing chores into a game by racing to see how fast you can get the house cleaned, and trying to beat your time next week. Some other ideas:
- Conduct individual races among family members doing separate chores
- Crank up the music while sweeping and vacuuming
- Play I Spy after dinner to get the table cleared and items put away
- Take the dog for a walk as a family
2) Plan Outdoor Activities
Try setting aside one weekend a month to do something active as a family. This might include swimming in the summer, sledding or skiing in the winter, taking a long walk in the spring, or a nature scavenger hunt in the fall.
Visiting your local zoo or science museum provides physical exercise and teaches your children more about the world as a bonus. Bringing along a picnic lunch and some healthy snacks will round out the day and satisfy the hunger that often accompanies physical activity.
3) Take Classes Together
Many fitness clubs and community centers cater to families, so ask whether they offer yoga, swimming, or aerobics classes to parents and children together. If your child is too young to participate, consider classes that will help you burn calories with your baby by incorporating them into yoga moves, pushing them along during stroller workouts, or getting them used to the water with mom and tot swimming lessons.
4) Repurpose Your Family Room
Family rooms can be a center for unhealthy activities in the home: endless hours of watching television and playing video games, mindless snacking on high-calorie, low-nutrition foods, and nothing to encourage fitness or physical activity.
But there are some ways to add fitness into your family room without investing in a huge makeover:
- Set a time limit on television viewing.
- Designate certain shows as “fitness-only,” meaning you and your family will pump weights during commercials.
- Add a get-moving type of video game like Wii Fit to your collection.
According to a study conducted by researchers at the Liverpool John Moores University in the U.K., testers of Wii sports games had higher heart rates while playing and consistently burned more calories than testers using conventional video games.
One more thing: families who eat healthful foods also tend to have other healthy habits. So, if you want to slim down, get your whole family involved and you’ll be more likely to succeed, and they’ll be more likely to enjoy their meals and clean their plates.
Juggling Act
Even if you spend long hours at your job, the trick to juggling work, family, and physical activity is to make the most of the time you do have with your family. When you do have a block of time free, try to schedule activities that incorporate moving in the outdoors.
When family obligations like chores demand your time, figure out a way you can incorporate exercise and fun into the routine. And if you do have time to exercise outside the home, try to do it in ways that allow your children to work out, too.
It can be a tough balancing act, but is very much worth it!
Image Copyright: joannsnover / 123RF Stock Photo
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Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an amazing and joyous time for many women. There is excited anticipation as new life develops. While this time is incredibly special it is often accompanied by a variety of aches, pains, and discomforts. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association indicates that between 50-70% of pregnant women experience back pain.
What’s with all this back pain? As a pregnant woman’s belly grows, along with the baby, her center of gravity shifts forward as she develops increased weight on the front part of her body. This can lead to poor posture, “sway back” or an increased lordosis, resulting in pressure on the joints and irritation in the surrounding nerves. Additionally, the extra weight gain that the body is unaccustomed to can put extra stress and strain on the joints and connective tissue.
As if feeling discomfort and pain weren’t enough, it is coupled with the fact that pregnant women are very limited in the medications they can take to mitigate their symptoms and conditions. The American Pregnancy Association recommends all pregnant speak to a physician first before taking any medications—whether prescription or over the counter. Fortunately, chiropractic care for pregnant women offers relief from and prevention of back pain, headaches, and other physical discomforts.
Dr. Jennifer Rathmann, a chiropractor with the Blacksburg clinic explains, “Adjustments for pregnant women help keep the pelvis aligned to prevent back pain as well as sciatica type symptoms.” Ensuring proper alignment thereby relieves the pressure on joints in the back and nerves in the surrounding area. Dr. Rathmann does not speak to the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care from a physician’s perspective only; she also chose this course of treatment for herself, during each of her pregnancies.
There are other conditions and symptoms that trouble pregnant women, which are unable to be treated with commonplace medications. Chiropractic treatments are able to help and provide the necessary relief for nausea, headaches, sinus congestion, and heartburn. If these reasons aren’t compelling enough, perhaps the fact that great pelvis alignment helps with the ease of labor and delivery is motivation to choose chiropractic care while pregnant.
Pregnant women who obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy should take an active role in supplementing that care with other preventative measures. These combined efforts will ensure optimal spine health. For example, making sure to select shoes that provide excellent support, squatting to pick things up (rather than bending at the waist), and performing gentle stretches. Walking and light activity also helps to keep muscles loose. Other suggestions include sleeping positioned on the left or right side, with a pillow between the knees to promote proper pelvis alignment.
Chiropractors are trained and equipped to treat pregnant women, and many women report significant pain relief as a result of chiropractic treatment. At Tuck Chiropractic Clinic, our team is committed to providing high-quality chiropractic treatment for you and your growing family. Making chiropractic an integral part of your prenatal care plan is a great step towards a more enjoyable and healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
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