Ginger's Journey to Becoming Pain Free from Head to Toe


One of the most rewarding things about serving patients as a chiropractor is having the opportunity to go above and beyond for our patients. We often get the chance to extend the discussion of pain points from their original reason for coming in, towards an approach that can truly relieve pain across the whole body. This has been the case for the last 5 years for Ginger Dillon of Martinsville.

From a Skeptic to a Believer

Ginger “happened upon” chiropractic care by way of her dentist. During a routine check up, her dentist realized some damage to her molars as a result of grinding her teeth at night. He suggested that she either see a massage therapist or a chiropractor. As somewhat of a skeptic and avid researcher, Ginger spent the next 6 months researching the various solutions available to her. After some uncertainty about the practices convenient to her home, she received a recommendation from a friend for Dr. Grace’s practice in Rocky Mount and decided to take the plunge.
As Ginger arrived at her first appointment, her concerns were met with an office full of professionals eager to address any questions she had. From the front desk to her time spent with Dr. Grace, she felt that she could trust that she was in good care.
“I was nervous and she put me completely at ease,” she recalled. “She took my X-rays and talked through them and what it meant. Then, I had my first adjustment and ever since they feel like my friends rather than my doctors!”
What started as an appointment to help her grinding teeth, ended up as an opportunity to uncover residual damage in Ginger’s neck and shoulders from a car accident she was involved in at the age of 17. As she continued to see improvements in her neck and shoulders through routine adjustments, she opened up to Dr. Grace about her knee pain from an old injury. The relationship has continued to uncover solutions for her foot pain and even her life long chronic sinus issues. Ginger quickly convinced her husband to begin seeing Dr. Grace for his back pain.

Maintaining a Pain Free Life

Today, Ginger goes to see Dr. Grace about every two weeks. At one point, she cut down to once a month, but found that it was more beneficial for her joints to go more frequently. Ginger claims that her lifestyle has improved greatly after finding relief for her neck and shoulder pain, and having knee and foot pain far and few between.
“I can exercise more and more intensely now. It’s really improved the overall quality of life,” claims Ginger. 
Looking back, Ginger is glad she did her due diligence in finding a chiropractor with a great reputation and even better patient centered service. Her advice for those considering chiropractic care?
“Do your research. I’m a research based person and it made more comfortable getting that type of care,” says Ginger. “Find a doctor that you can feel comfortable with talking about your issues with your body, of course, I recommend Dr. Grace!”

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