Sharpen the Ax


Tuck Chiropractic Clinic specializes in comprehensive treatment for neck pain, low back pain, headaches, sciatica, and many other ailments. Chiropractic is effective for relieving pain and restoring proper function to the entire body.
Abraham Lincoln once said if he was given 4 hours to chop down a tree, he would spend three hours sharpening his ax. The same should hold true for us as we enter spring, the season of increased physical requirements.
We often find ourselves in a position of “needing to count down a tree” this time of year. We have spring cleaning lists, gardens to prepare for the planting of flowers and vegetables, and repairs that need to be made to lawn equipment. Instead of rushing forward to take a bunch of hacks at that tree, it may be better to step back, assess our upcoming requirements, and properly prepare ourselves for what may come. We often overlook the biggest tune-up needed: our chiropractic adjustment!
Prior to lifting a bunch of “stuff” that should have been discarded long ago or crawling around the yard pulling weeds or sitting for hours on a lawn tractor, we need to make sure that these routine activities will not be leading us to painful and debilitating injuries. A good chiropractic check up is most certainly on my list of “To Do’s” prior to sitting on my lawnmower for a few hours. It’s easier for me to perform my yard duties with a tuned spine that to suffer through the weekend in pain and discomfort. Before I clean out and donate the clothes that my children have quickly outgrown, I ensure that lifting bags will not subject me to “throwing something out.” And, before my seasonal allergies have the opportunity to get into full swing, I get adjusted and start a hydration regimen that will help to keep the itchy eyes and sneezing at bay.
Make sure when you’re listing your yearly regimen that you include a trip to your local chiropractor so that they can help you “sharpen your ax” and keep you functioning through out the much anticipated upcoming spring.
If you suffer from neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, headache, or other issues dealing with the spine or body, call Tuck Chiropractic Clinic in Roanoke, the NRV, or Southwest VA today! We’re here to help!

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